Sydney 100WC week 9

I was home alone that night. I was in the kitchen, everything was going well. I got up to go to my room to get my computer. I was at the door when I heard a scratching sound. I wondered what was behind the door. I quickly panicked and thought of dialing 911. When I realized my dog was home. I looked everywhere, fearing he was gone. I heard another scratch coming from my room. I carefully opened the door with no hesitation. My curiosity took over. But behind the door, I only found my dog’s eyes staring right at me.

100 WC Week 9 Marcus

I wondered what was behind the door. That was the real question, what was behind the door? I was breathing hard, what was behind the door? I knew that walking toward the door however fun it may seem was a bad idea. The yearning was too much. I crept toward the door wondering what was behind the door. That was the question. What was behind the door.

100 WC Week 9 Paul

John was silently breathing under his covers.  For quite awhile now, he had been worrying about a noise only a few feet outside his room.  His door was shut, thank goodness.  He was only 6 years old, so he didn’t no better.  Suddenly, he heard nothing but the rustling of his blanket.  He exhaled. He was asleep. He had been dreaming.   However, come to think of it, that dream was pretty cool.  He went back to sleep, but couldn’t return to his dream.  When he woke up the next morning, he spoke to himself.  “I wonder what was behind the door.”

100 WC week 9 – Loic

As I walk down the street the fog grows thicker and thicker and by now I’ve lost all sense of direction. The fog is so thick I cant see in front of me. I hit my toe on something hard and hear something behind me so I walk in a different direction. Then, I hear someone, or something calling my name, I also see a small beam of light in the sky so I go to it groggily. I bump into a door, as I wondered what was behind that door, I see an eerie face reflected over my shoulder.